Hello everyone! This is my second blog. I cannot continue these blogs until I take the time to honor Casey Trowbridge who was my predecessor in the household. To make a long story short, about a month after Casey Trowbridge passed away to the Rainbow Bridge my mommy did a search on the internet for "Casey cat". She found me at Siamese Rescue in the Dallas area and needless to say the rest is history.
Here is the story of Casey Trowbridge:
Casey was the beloved cat of James Trowbridge. Mommy moved into a smaller apartment in her complex that face the water in Nassau Bay, Texas. James was the next door neighbor at that apartment. Mommy had a beautiful Siamese kitty named Lila Mae. Mommy would bring Lila Mae to the new apartment while she was setting things up so that Lila Mae would be kept in the loop of the moving process. You know us cats do not really like a lot of change from our normal lives. Casey liked to play on the balcony and both mommy's and James' balconies were connected. Casey came to look into the window to see what was happening and saw Lila Mae. He and Lila Mae became good friends. Mommy became good friends with James and would cat sit from time to time. Mommy lived in the apartment for several months. One evening, the fire department was called out for a kitchen fire which ended up to be much more and the entire building of 100 apartments had to be evacuated. No cats or dogs were injured or killed in the fire. Casey was scared, jumped out of James' arms and ran off. James thought he lost his beloved Casey forever. Jame, Mommy, Lila Mae and another neighbor shared a temporary apartment that had rollout beds until they could find other apartments. James, Mommy and the other neighbor found apartments in a brand new complex that Mommy liked because they were new and built up to the new fire codes. Mommy was cat sitting Casey for James while James became ill and passed away. Casey ended up living with Mommy and they were best friends and enjoyed many years together with Lila Mae and also they adopted a Main Coon mix named Fluffy. Lila Mae and Fluffy went to the Rainbow Bridge and it was Casey and Mommy for awhile. Casey was a very sweet cat who loved Mommy very much. Casey had been diagnosed with heart failure several years later and went to the Rainbow Bridge on March 22, 2000. After that, Mommy had an overwhelming urge to do the internet search and that is when she found me. I think that Casey Trowbridge may have something to do with that. We look alike except that I only have three paws and Casey Trowbridge had all four paws. Thank you Casey Trowbridge. You will always be in our hearts and I will meet you again one day at the Rainbow Bridge. Meow for now!!
that was a beautiful story! I am so happy that you shared that with us. I bet the first Casey was truly special indeed!