Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hello From Casey!

I am new to the blogging world and this is my very first blog. First, I will tell you a little about me. I am a three legged cat named Casey Tripod. I do not have much recollection of my early life other than I was born with three legs. My right front paw is missing. Here is what I remember, I came from Kennesaw, Georgia and was rescued by the Siamese Rescue organization. I was fostered then ended up being sent to the Dallas area Siamese Rescue. I was only there for a short time before I was adopted into a forever home. It surprised the staff that I was adopted so early because they did not think anyone who was looking for a true Siamese cat would considered a rogue mix with only three paws. I was considered to be an alpha male cat who was suggested to be an only cat in the household. I was told that I was sent back to the shelter several times for fighting and hissing at other cats but I now live harmoniously in a household with other cats and dogs. I flew on American Airlines from Dallas to Houston to meet my new mommy. We have been together now for almost eleven years. I can honestly say that I am a very happy cat. I would like to say hello and I hope you will enjoy reading my blogs. I plan to blog on the daily life of cats and dogs in my household, tips for pet care, interesting animal stories, preparing pets for disasters such as hurricanes and a lot more. Thanks for reading. Meow for now!


  1. Hi Casey!! Welcome to the world of blogging!! We are so happy to meet you! Thanks for finding us on Twitter!
    Wow you had quite the adventure and hard way to go before meeting your Mommy....we wish you the best of luck with your blog!
    We would love for you to check out ours too and we are thrilled to be your FIRST FOLLOWERS!!! woooo hoooo!!!!

  2. 3 paws... wow!
    i am a rescue too!

  3. Thanks for reading. It is nice to meet you too!
